Dec 15, 2022

5 Yoga Poses for Beginners

Do you want to try yoga but feel intimidated by all the complicated-looking poses? Don't worry, I got you covered. Here are five yoga poses that are perfect for beginners. Give them a try and see how you feel afterwards! I bet you'll want more!

Try these 5 yoga poses for beginners:

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose is great for beginners because its accessible to a lot of students* and it helps us bring attention to the body. Stand up tall with the feet hips distance and firmly grounded into the floor. Arms by your side, palms facing forward. Imagine the crown of your head drawing up while your feet are pushing down into the earth. Keep your core slightly engaged. Dont let your low ribs poke out, pull them in towards the midline and open up through the chest and shoulders. Softly gaze a spot in front of you and stay in the pose for five breaths. *If you're not able to stand, you can also do it seated in a chair

2. Childs pose (Balasana)

Childs Pose is a great place to start your yoga journey! It's fairly accessible, allowing a lot of beginners to ease into their practice with grace and fluidity. To find childs pose, begin by kneeling on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips. Then, slowly shift your weight back onto your heels as you bring your forehead towards the ground, resting it on the floor if comfortable (you can also use a yoga block or pillow here as support if needed). If your hips dont touch your heels you can place a block or yoga bolster underneath your hips. Stretch out your arms in front of you or slide them along either side of your body. You can also activate Childs Pose by moving between deeper stretches and more restorative versions - for a more intense Childs Pose, you can open up the knees and lower your torso down to rest between them. With Childs Pose, yoga newbies are sure to find their accessible starting point and will be able to cultivate greater flexibility with each practice!

3. Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)

Yoga can be a great way to help reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing, and warrior 2 is a fantastic pose to get started with. This iconic warrior pose helps to build strength and flexibility in the legs, back and shoulders while deeply stretching the hips. For warrior 2, begin by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart and arms at your side. Step your left foot back about four feet, turning it out 90 degrees so its parolees to the short end of your mat. Move both arms out to shoulder height so your palms are facing down. Bend your right knee until it is directly above the ankle by sinking your hips low without letting your knee past the toes. Make sure you keep the torso straight – centering over the pelvis and reaching out through fingertips – pressing firmly into feet for balance as you look over your right fingertips. As you inhale, expand across your chest and as you exhale draw shoulder blades into the spine. Warrior 2 is truly an essential pose for any beginner yogi!

4. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Forward fold is an essential yoga pose that beginners should add to their routine. This pose works to stretch the hamstrings and can also calm the nervous system when done properly. To perform forward fold, stand with your feet hip-width apart and slowly fold forward from the hips (not the back) while keeping legs active and engaged. Grab your elbows or keep the hands on the floor (or on blocks or a chair in front of you). Hang in this forward fold for a few deep breaths then use your core muscles to come back to standing. Incorporating forward fold into your practice will open up tension in the lower body and bring space in your spine. Try holding for 3-5 breaths to start. This gentle grounding posture is great for beginner yogis - so get ready to unfold!

5. Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana)

Sphinx Pose is a great start for any beginner to practice yoga! This simple posture helps you build back strength, improve spine health, and feels so good after a long day at your desk! To begin sphinx pose, start by lying on your stomach with your legs slightly apart (you can bring them as wide as the mat, the wider they are the easier it feels for the low back). Place your elbows right beneath your shoulders, palms down. Gently press down into the base of your palms while pulling the mat back, activating through the upper back and shoulders, as you lift up into this supported backbending pose. You can look down or slightly forward depending on what feels better for your neck. You'll feel a lovely stretch along your spine in this pose and when fueled with breath and calmness, the re-energizing effects are amazing!

yoga is an amazing practice for both body and mind!

Give yoga a try! These five Yoga poses for beginners are a great way to get started but there are so many more postures and variations to explore. I offer classes for all levels in my virtual yoga studio. If you want to learn more about yoga and how to practice, join me here: The Studio


